Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Epiphany? I don't remember!

I went to see my lecturer today to discuss my lab assignments and to ask him questions on things that he had taught in class but I received more than what I have bargained for. After giving me helpful advice on how to improve my paper and good tips to understand a confusing concept better, he started giving more advice on what one has to put in to be successful in what one does - get out there and do more than what is required eg. read outside materials, work on a research with other professors, and basically just keep challenging yourself to improve yourself. He continued sharing his experience being in schools with varying standards and coming up to a conclusion that there are smart people everywhere whether it's in a small community college, the U of M, or Stanford. The only difference is the frequency. His characterizes smart or beyond average people as those who would go all out utilizing the opportunities and read beyond what's assigned to us. He also said even though he knows that it's kinda hard to do outside reading etc, it's part of the challenge to make time for it. That shows how passionate we are about something and that's always good.

When he started giving his advice, I could feel my eyes sparkled; I felt like I had an epiphany - things to write in this blog - but at the end of his speech, I forgot what I was going to write. I started to wonder what is it that he said that I found so awe-inspiring. LOL. I couldn't remember. But the gist of his message stuck with me. What a blessing it is for me to have a good lecturer this summer.

5 things I am grateful for:
1. I am grateful that I went to see my lecturer
2. I am grateful that he shared with me his wisdom and advice
3. I am grateful that it is a beautiful day today - a little hot but not too hot
4. I am grateful that I got some studying done before my quiz tomorrow
5. Everyone around me seems happy today!

Have a pleasant day everyone!


Chin Wah said...

Hi Sylvia,

I stumbled upon your blog when googling your name. Sorry if I sound a bit stalker-ish. I found your name at the Undergraduate Research Program website and when I saw your picture I thought you looked like that girl in the online orientation video for transfer students who introduced herself as "a transfer student from a private uni in Malaysia"; so I decided to google your name and lo and behold, I was right!! And I found your blog.

Oh wait sorry I just realized I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chin Wah, and I'm gonna be attending U of M this fall. I'm a transfer student from Malaysia who is majoring in Psychology as well. I studied in HELP and I'm arriving in Minnesota tomorrow (17-08-08).

Interesting blog by the way! Am learning a lot from it.

Keep updating!! =)

Sylvia said...

Hi Chin Wah!

I was surprised but delighted to have read your comment. Wonder told me he has a psych student from M'sia in his IFGP team. It must be you then. LOL. IFGP's awesome! You're gonna love it. I'm looking forward to meet you. I'll see you tomorrow!

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