Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"Two years will pass soon enough" was what I said to Flo when she told me reacted slightly surprised when I told her I was going back to M'sia in 2010. Giving it a thought, it is only two years. In a blink of an eye, a year has gone by. This time last year, I was preparing to take my final exams in INTI for the last time and fearing of the unknown (journey to the US). It's amazing how we just make plans and trust that everything is going to turn out as plan or to back it up with some other plans and everything just seems to turn out okay no matter how things are. Life just unfolds as the current of time carries you with it.

When I was wiping tables at work this afternoon, a cheerful man walked into the lunchroom, smiled and said hi to me. As my glasses were falling, I pushed it up with my gloved hand that was holding the wiping towel while I said hi. He then looked at me and said, "Oh, you look like you're sniffing the thing like you're sniffing glue or sth" and laughed. I found it hilarious so I laughed with him. Then I explained to him what I was doing and he said, "Oh, you look like you were sniffing it and going all high with it. " I laughed and said, "No, no.." He then said, "It's okay, you're a college student. You're expected to do that anyway." And he burst out laughing. Omg, that made my day. We then introduced ourselves. Apparently, he's incharge of students' insurance so he knows a lot of M'sians here and he handles request from Petronas in terms of handling the batch of Petronas scholars.

When I went back to the breakroom and sat in front of the computer to do some work, I noticed how the cheerfulness in me began to wane, gradually but noticeable. It's just amazing how transient my emotional states can be. I don't know what to comment about it but to just say that it's interesting that I was able to note that. Maybe as I get better at that, I might be able to catch the set point of the mood change and make conscious choices on my attitude.

5 things I am grateful for pertaining Sunday:
1. The weather was awesome - cloudy weather during the day, and rainy at night.
2. It only rained after my roommate and I got back from basketball.
3. I had a great time with my friends while at basketball.
4. I feel relieved after reorganizing some of my stuffs.
5. Everyone around me seem to be in a good mood, making me happy.

5 things I am grateful for today:
1. The heritage committee like my work and complimented me on that.
2. I spent 4 hours in the nursing building today = more money! =)
3. I finally sent in my application for the study abroad program in Barcelona
4. I met so many people, strangers and friends who made me laughed
5. I did well in my Lab 3. =)

Have a pleasant day everyone!

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