Thursday, March 20, 2008

More of St Louis and A NEW EARTH

My trip in St Louis continues with a visit to Forest Park, the 2nd largest park in the USA with Central Park in NYC being the largest. It's a pretty neat park. My roommate, her friends and I visited the Science Center and a small part of the zoo which we are going to visit again tomorrow because we didn't have much time there today. They are all free of charge. The weather today is getting better and that makes me happy. Tomorrow, I'm going to see the arch...woohoo!

As I watched the third chapter of A New Earth on just now, I felt more aware of past mistakes and feelings that manifested out of my ego (strong false sense of self). This may be confusing for many of you who are reading this but hear me now on what I have to say as you can learn about it more when you watch A New Earth on or read The Power of Now or A New Earth.

Reactions to what people say, judgments of people, the need to be responsible for others and feeling distracted by it, feelings of hurt and pain, and complaints are generated by the ego. What resonated with me from the show is the question a caller asked. She asked how does she and her mum are supposed to be awakened and live in the present moment when they are distracted from having to worry and be responsible of her sister who is on drugs. His answer to the question was that they shouldn't try so hard to be responsible for her. Instead, they should look into themselves and look at their worry. They should accept that and bring themselves into meditative state and just be in peace with themselves for awhile. Although their minds or their voice in their heads tell them they have to worry about the sister because worrying here has some purpose but it really doesn't. Their minds tell them they have to save the sister but that is not necessarily true. The only way they may be of agents of healing to the sister is by being conscious of themselves and thus, being able to provide guide and help to the sister.There was another important thing that I found great from the show. There were readers who wanted to know about the conflicts they have in integrating spiritual teachings of this book and religions they have. Well, according to Oprah and Eckhart, this book is not about believing, it's about what you come to feel for yourself. And that God is an experience, not a belief. Hence, God is (existence, consciousness, being). If your religion or God is a belief, God is not truly God. You have to realize that you are one with the source and not by believing. There are things that just have to be experienced....and the lessons go on.

This sorts to speak the reason how many people, whether or not they are religious can feel that there is God, being, consciousness or whatever names you want to call it even though they aren't brought up with that beliefs.

Seriously people, I would recommend you watch the shows for yourself. Go to Oprah's website and click on A New Earth or just click on the link and let me know what you think about it.

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