Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sweet Happiness =D

How sweet can my life get? This morning I went to see my Psych Adviser to discuss about my study abroad program, Honors program, and my graduation plan. Everything turned out well and according to the plan that I came up with, I'll be flying to Barcelona in Spring '09 and graduate in Fall '09. Although I might not be able to take the class that I want to in Fall after my study abroad program, it's ok as that's not a big deal. I can ask the professor whether he will be offering it in fall. We'll see...

Second big to-do for the day: I went to see the professor I emailed regarding UROP and it went well. I felt confident when I talked to him. He explained to me what they do for research - direct observation on children with behavioral problems, learning disabilities, etc., data encoding, and direct application of intervention. No lab stuffs! Woohoo.... Something new to learn as of Fall 2008. It's a different aspect of Psychology I'll be looking at and better still, I'll be working directly with children. Moreover, he said he'll be glad to take me in and help me with whatever I need. Ah.....nice.

The sweetness continued when I saw smiles around me throughout the day and heard sweet news from practically everyone I know. Ahh.....SWEET. Sweet dreams to me now. ZZZZZzzzzzzz.........

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