Thursday, February 14, 2008

Attraction Maybe?

My head ached for two whole hours after my lab meeting at 5 pm with the other TRiCAMers and I felt sick after eating too much junk food - potato chips after lunch and Valentine's brownies and cookies from two of the RAs. While in pain on the bed, I twisted and turned around for many times as I wasn't able to sleep or rest. I wasn't thinking much except of how much I missed Malaysia and the food there. I felt nauseous the whole time on the bed and wondered how much longer I could stand eating yucky American food? Then I pictured porridge and clear soup in my head. Soon, I was thinking about "U Char Kueh". Oh, boy! How much I miss those simple light meals.

After struggling to sleep for more than an hour, I decided to get up and take a moderately cold shower. I felt much better after that. So I went online and chat with Keith and he suggested I should eat Chinese food to rid off my sickness. Lol. So we went to Pagoda, a Chinese restaurant owned by M'sians, thinking I was going to order some rice or noodles and dishes, but they had porridge in their menu so I happily ordered it instead although it cost US$6 and I just randomly ordered a plate of fried Chinese bread sticks without knowing what they were. Well, as you can easily guess, those were none other than "U Char Kueh". LOL. Hmm....could it be attraction? I was happy I was eating those but guess how much the "U Char Kueh" cost? It was 2 bucks! In M'sia, those barely cost more than 60 M'sian sen (18 US cents). I just paid more than 6 RINGGIT for 2 sets of "U CHAR KUEH". Unbelievable! The people should be sued for daylight robbery. It's just flour and oil!!!!!! Walaowei!

I paid RM6 for this!!! =(

Anyway, heard of the Law of Attraction? It is probably the hottest topic circulating in the world today since the DVD, The Secret was released. According to the teachers of the Secret as well as many other successful people in the world, the world functions on this law in which you focus your thoughts and emotions on what you want; and when you send this thought frequency, vibration or something of this sort out to the universe, the universe will correspond to your Attraction. Sounds crazy? Well, a lot of things sound crazy but they aren't necessarily crazy.


Anonymous said...

what a fuLLfilling attraction :D

Eugene said... missed home food...nvm, i send to you, you download

Anonymous said...

RE: The law of attraction

I learned about this exact thing around twenty one years ago and tried it as a young adult. I believe I had one success that was almost exactly what I had visualised - some may say coincidence, but I (whilst being an athiest) believe certain things are possible, even though we have no way of explaining why (yet).

For the record, the method I was taught was to visualise a scenario that you wanted to come 'true', and visualise it the same way every night in bed before falling asleep, as often as possible. It was explained to me by a guy I knew that had an interest in the Hare Krsna movement, and he told me that we all have an invisible 'thread' or energy emanating from the tops of our heads and that these threads are what make the connections and set things up so that what you 'visualise' will come about.

Anyway, sorry for waffling on - it was your 'thread' that brought me to this post though, so it's your fault ;o)

All the best,


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