Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Patience and Stillness

I just couldn't remember where this saying came from, "God gives us problem not to trouble us, but to allow us the opportunity to shine" or something like that. Maybe from a movie or something. Today, I think I was offered that opportunity.

Patience and stillness was the test. Earlier today, I listened to someone close complaining, expressing distress, and aching in pain but I remained still and gave the most appropriate advice without scrunching up my face, furrowing my brows or being pushy about how the person should behave.

In that moment, it just felt like things suddenly moved slowly and clearly and it was almost as if I was watching myself talk from a third person's vantage point.

After the conversation, it just hit me that I wasn't attached in the sense that I didn't want the person to not suffer because it pains me if he suffers (all about "ME"), but I just sincerely and just naturally help him. I think I finally understand what Dr John F. Demartini from "The Secret" said about being still to our surroundings and consciously choose what you want it your life. Whatever you hear or see, be still and mindful, and only focus and think about the positive things. =)

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