Sunday, January 27, 2008

Life lesson: Let it go....

Today was another unproductive day. =( I woke up late and I did not complete my homework and all the other "to-dos" I assigned myself to do. I went to gym with a couple of friends at 3pm and we had dinner right after that till 6. Then I had to go to one of my friend's place to carry some stuffs to another friend's place. Long story short, by the time I got back home, it was already 8pm. There goes my day. I felt disappointed with myself.

Nevertheless, on my way back to my dorm from my friend's place, I had some time to contemplate. It hit me that I had a choice to either brood about this and be miserable or to see it objectively, forget about the time wasted, but instead focus on what I can do next. Just let it go, don't think so much, and move on.

It just dawned on me how big this little concept can be. From something small to something big, letting go is a very important step in liberating oneself from pain and suffering. Whether it is forgiveness, or detachment from lost materials, or just the acceptance that things change, they all center around the concept of letting go.

So, I guess it's not so bad even though I didn't utilized my time properly this past few days. At least I learned a valuable lesson, that is to let my attachment go and be free! Of course at the same time I learned some lessons about self-discipline and proper time management. =P

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