Saturday, January 26, 2008

The EyE of the storm

In the middle of the storm, there is calmness. In the middle of the group of Newbies, there are the calm "Oldbies".

It was very funny this evening when I went out for dinner with a group of new Malaysian students, some other "old" Malaysians and one of the newbies' American friend. The newbies were crazy and high. OMG, it was as if they were possessed or something. I was on the verge of feeling "paiseh" with them. LOL... I haven't experienced that wildness since I first came here. Keith and I felt very old and mature when we looked at them. Haha...It was nice meeting them.

I feel very tired today. My energy has been decreasing for the past few days. It must be the lack of sleep and the burning of midnight oil. It's time for me to face it. I'm an early bird and I should embrace that fact and forget about trying to stay up late.

I don't know whether I am right or not but I think the exhaustion is affecting my emotions and thinking. I feel a little low and I don't have any mood to socialize. I keep thinking of the word depression. I just feel like locking myself up in my room and get all my scholarship, internship, voluntary job, welcome week leadership, and international leadership retreat applications done. I haven't done any yet and the deadlines are coming up. I want to finish my math review too but I'm too tired to stay focus. I also kept thinking about blogging. It's so addictive.

I think it's best for me to just stop here and go to bed. I am counting on tomorrow to get my work done. Tomorrow will be a productive day! I can do it!


eDine said...

you can do it!
"old and mature" huh?

Jin-sama said...

agree.. it affects your emotions and thinking.. start going back to your normal life and sleep early..

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