Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Body, the MiND, and the Spirit

First, I aligned my shoulders, sternum and lower body to create a centered posture. A soft rush of air from the breath I took then released the tensions in my muscles generated from the ongoing pressures of life. As I proceed with the tiger, the cat, the caterpillar, and the cobra positions, my muscles stretched painlessly as I learned to control my breathing, allowing the rhythm of my breathing to follow my movements. I was doing yoga! Lol.

It was indeed very relaxing and what was intriguing was the fact that it has so many elements of meditation in it. We were instructed to pay attention to our breathing and if our mind wondered off, we should bring the attention back to the breathing and bodily sensations. We were asked to just be aware of any neck pains but not to feel immediately agitated by it. We should just watch the pain and be conscious about it.

It's been a long time since I meditated. Meditation helps me focus better and slowly frees my consciousness. I was astonished by how mindful and gentle the instructor was in talking to people especially when I talked to her individually after the class.

This reminded me of the importance of meditation or something similar to that. I must continue to practice that. Go yoga!

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