Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Minnesota Cold"

The term "Minnesota Cold" is really coming alive and right at my face now, and I mean this literally. Yes we have "Minnesota, 10,000 lakes", Minnesota Nice" but unfortunately we also have "Minnesota Cold" here. It was -26 degrees Celsius this morning before I went out and it is now -20. The wind chill factor worsens it a lot too. As I was running late for class, I ran to class and I could feel the strong and cold win blowing at my face. I seriously thought I was going to lose my facial skin. The only comfort I got was seeing others suffer the same way too. LOL. I felt much relief when I looked at others and their faces were still intact even though they were exposed to the cold. Childish, but true. Although this place is a beautiful place, the cold can be torturing sometimes. The worst thing is, well, according to the locals, it usually lasts till April. =(

Oh well, that's about the weather. Today passed quite fast. I was glad I attended the resume and cover letter workshop on time. I nearly missed it because of my Psych Measurement and Data Analysis lab. We all had difficulty understanding what the TA was talking about. I felt sorry for him. He is Korean and he seemed to have difficulty conversing in English. I suppose I'll be more punctual and sit in front so that I can pay more attention to what he says.

I feel like I've been releasing a lot of negative chi lately. It's time to center myself with a little gratitude and visualization list.

1. Thank goodness today was a sunny day. It could have been a dark, gloomy, and cold day.
2. It's good that I've completed 95% of my to-do for today
3. My professor agreed to write me a recommendation letter for my scholarship application
4. I learned tips for writing resume and cover letter
5. I met and talked to new friends today
6. I learned that I can juggle many tasks in a day
7. Thank God I'm Alive! YAY

Visualization List:
1. Visualize accomplishment of Spring '08 resolution
2. Visualize getting UROP for Summer/Fall '08
3. Visualize receiving highly paid internship for Summer
4. Visualize studying abroad in Austria with full scholarship
5. Visualize winning many scholarships
6. Visualize "paradising" in Paris
7. Visualize my US$ 1 million

Ahhh....Gute Nacht!

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