Sunday, February 1, 2009

If you can go down, you can always go up!!!!

I woke up early as I thought I would despite sleeping at 3.30am this morning. Despite the annoyance by the lack of sleep, I got up and did my homework. I felt nervous, and I kept thinking about the movie, Revolutionary Road that my friends and I watched last night. The movie was great, but probably a bit too thought-provoking and depressing after what just happened on Friday. I was worried that I am gonna run out of money because I just booked two flights Geneva and Dublin for upcoming weekends using my credit card. I was still thinking about what happened on Friday night and feeling sorry about what happened. I think I appeared normal on the outside, I was all clouded on the inside. I began thinking that my rapidly improved Spanish level has gone down when I couldn't really understand things my senora said. I could not quiet my mind especially when I was walking. Off with the downward spiral....

I went to the Picasso Museum today as it has free admissions on the first Sunday of each month. The museum houses artworks of Picasso from the beginning of his artist career to the end. The progression of his work was interesting. We went to the temporary collection first which held the collection of Picasso's later work. Karen and I looked at the paintings, snickered, looked some more at the paintings, and then to each other giving each other the "I don't get it" look. It was weird but interesting.

When I got back, I did some movement and sitting meditation. I felt at peace for a while. Although I still feel a bit stressed out, I do feel better. I'm hoping to get back up the ladder. I thought of the bookmark with the message "Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength" that my friend gave to me and I tried to let go of my worries. it worked a bit. Thanks Chin Wah. I am just grateful that my friend is safe, that I receive a very important life lesson, that I'm safe, that I noticed my downward spiral before it got worst, that I have friends who gave me thoughtful gifts, that I have the opportunity to study abroad and travel while I am here, that my family who continues to support me, that there are friends who still keep in touch with me despite our distance, that I met good and caring friends that share similar interests, and most importantly, that I'm alive and kicking!

Time to spiral my way up! I'm going to bed early today. Tomorrow is going to be a great brand new day!!!

I love everyone!

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