Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back HOME??

So long Geneva! I shall see you again, and the next time, I'll ski, skydive, and bungee jump from your mountains.

Cara and I arrived safely and punctually back to Barcelona. I killed the whole afternoon checking and replying email and facebook messages and talking to my parents for 3 hours plus; that's unbelievably long! I had some money-managing advice from my dad especially with the usage of credit card. "Use it wisely and it will be to your advantage!" he said. That addresses the internal conflict I have of "saving money and spending it wisely as I have monetary constraint" vs. "living it all out while you can". While my mom virtually persuaded me to give up plans for spring break, my dad told me to seize my once-in-a-life time opportunity by spending my money wisely and using my credit card to my advantage. I hope everything would work out great!

I am grateful that:
1. my flight landed safely back in Barcelona,
2. my trip to Geneva was amazing!! I love the mountains,
3. I had a chance to revisit my goals and renew them while in Geneva,
4. I had a great travelling buddy who shares almost all the same interests that I have,
5. I got to talked to my parents today,
6. my dinner was delicious and I am able to save some for lunch tomorrow,
7. I got to eat late breakfast and save money on lunch,
8. I received good advices from dad and mom to resolve my worries, and
9. I spoke on the phone with JS and we had a pleasant conversation.

To JS: Feel better! May you be on the road to recovery asap!!!
To Daddy: May financial wealth shower you and all of us all the time!
To Mommy: May calmness hugs and assures you that the flow of water is endless.
To Nienie and Wee Jie: May your schoolwork comes to you as fun, exciting and challenging.
To my friends in Minnesota: May your exams and school work come to you easily and that you all have the calmness and steadiness to take the challenges one at a time.
To all others: May peace, mindfulness, love, and smiles hug us all! =)


Anonymous said...


i also like to hear from home. And I also wish my family at home well :')

~$ieW m3i~ said...


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