Friday, January 16, 2009

Qué es?

At Plaza Catalunya

I looked at the statue and wondered with curiosity. Why is it alone, glorified by the surrounding water? What was the designer trying to portray?

Today was another great day in Barcelona with the fun-filled Spanish class, mostly because of our "Mr Bean" professor. I think I made the right decision to stick in Spanish Intermediate 2 and not go down one level to Intermediate 1.

I bumped into a friend today in the bookstore while we were looking for our Spanish books but they weren't there. We had to go to another bookstore to look for our books. On our way to the bookstore, we talked about our traveling plans and both of us were thinking about hopping on and off the tourist bus tomorrow but we haven't found anyone to join us. So, we decided to do it together. Just nice. =)

In the evening, I took a walk around Sarria again; this time I went uphill towards the big ugly communication tower that has been Barcelona's landmark for many years. The air was not very clean due to smogs from cars and cigarettes. However, I reflected on what Chin Wah said about me being independent and strong the night before. I've never thought of myself that way. I didn't realize how much I have grown since college. The experience, the resilience, the openness, the mindfulness, the patience, my relationship with people, and everything else. I am very blessed by great parents who are always there to do their best to provide the best for me despite their circumstances, and friends who always be there when I need them and let me be there for them when they need me.

It's a good thing to be alive! Live life and give thanks! =)

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