Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Let the Sea be the Guide...

I got of the metro stop, took a stroll by Port Vell, and looked at the water and boats as I walked, wondering if I was walking the right way towards the beach. Craving for icecream (a white chocolate covered Magnum icecream), I walked to the supermercat and spent 2 Euros on that particular icecream. was so worth it...Ahh...yummy...I walked a little bit more and I saw the beach. My instinct was right. I'm glad I walked the right way. The view of the sea with its horizon brought silence to my mind, for a little bit. I looked at the rolling waves and my rational mind start to ponder "What now?" "Shhh....just watch and let your thoughts go.."

There weren't many people there this evening, just as I hoped. Couples were scattered all over the beach though. was indeed a romantic spot. Watching all the twosomes made me smile and hurt at the same time; it reminded me of my attachments...ouch... I just observed my feelings and continued to watch the waves, listen to the sounds, appreciate some silence between the sounds, and hear my breaths once in a while. The moment of thoughtlessness was a short-lived bliss. But who are we to complain. Everything is transient.

I got off the bench and walked closer to the water. Suddenly, a sense of gratitude showered me. Thank God there's the sea in Barcelona, Thank God it is greenish blue, Thank God I am here, Thank God I've been very blessed till this moment, Thank God Barcelona is welcoming, Thank God for my parents, boyfriend, friends, relatives, siblings, everybody that I have met and will be meeting.

The blue feeling I've been carrying for the past three days was washed away just like that, so easy; a shift of emotion just occured within minutes. That was what I needed.

Fun is always around. Love is always around. Company is always around. Just open your eyes for them. =)

"Remember to have fun. There are lots of things to do in Barcelona. You must take advantage of this city. You'll always find things to do here if you look for them."
-as said by a friend, Ismail (well at least that's what I can recall)

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