Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just ramblings

I did something stupid this morning. I woke up at 3.30am as I went to bed early last night and I have to work on my Psych research paper that's due tomorrow. I got out of bed cranky probably because I got out of a bad dream and so, I kicked my messy stuffs aside and I banged my right hand against the papers on the table in other words, I banged my hand against the table. OUCH!!! It woke me up and I was boiling hot. Things became clear only after I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and I didn't get why I was so mad. Sheesh, talk about having a good start. Now, here I am in the library blogging with my hurt right hand. =(

I feel regretful that I hadn't got much of my work done but I am determined to get it done today no matter what - as if I have any choice.

Yesterday was a fairly exhaustive day for me. I had to cross the bridge and go back and forth from the East Bank to the West Bank like about 6 times to get my books. Long story....

In addition to that, it snowed so heavily yesterday and it's wet snow. My shoes were wet and I had to bear with that for the entire afternoon. Nevertheless, as I have always uphold, every cloud has a silver lining. I really felt peaceful yesterday. The snow reminded me of the rain in M'sia and I missed that. That was because it wasn't too cold yesterday. It snowed all day and night and it was the perfect weather to sleep in. Ahh....

Ok...gtg...it's time for class.

Just a reminder for myself: Be fully present with every the learning that I have and feel how they affect me.

1 comment:

~$ieW m3i~ said...

hey you. haha. yeaps, that's right girl. every cloud has a silver lining. everything happens for a reason and every day is a new day for us to learn and grow. i miss the rain as well!! but i miss YOU more! take care!! :P

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