Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Die rats, Die!

Ah..a bowl of rats!

As part of PSI CHI's agenda of the day, I and two other the PSI CHI members as well as a PSI CHI officer were brought to tour the cognitive neuroscience lab in the basement of Elliot Hall. There we entered the chamber for rat torture - the rats are injected with drugs into their brains, have their skulls drilled while their arms and legs are held in place with metal bolts and stuffs of that sort (I saw light traces of blood on the equipment), have their skulls removed using a mini guillotine (It was cute but creepy), have their brains sliced into thin tissue layers to be examined, and are startled to measure the negative emotions eg fear, anxiety etc. Unfortunately, we could not see all those happen in front of us.

Boy, we do owe it to the rats that were tortured in the labs for us in terms of the understanding of effects of drug addictions, and chemical intake. It was a cool experience touring the lab and asking questions to the researchers.

On a more personal level, my confidence in asking questions has definitely increased. I no longer think that my questions are going to be stupid. Even in the TRiCAM lab meetings I began to question the ideas presented in books and articles as well as the professor. Muy bien!

As for exams, I'm glad I passed my Econ exam which I thought I would fail horribly. I am finally over with my exams this week. Counseling Psychology's test this afternoon was quite easy but still I am worried about the MCQ tricks.

Now, I am deciding on topics to talk about my country for this Friday's presentation. Hmm....I'll leave that for tomorrow morning. Nightie....


Anonymous said...

I never think that Psychology also has experiment to do with rats...

Sylvia said...

Oh ya, cognitive neuroscience and biological psychology do involve rats to study effect of medicine and stuffs like that on one's behavior and personality. Btw, are you from INTI?

Anonymous said...


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