Sunday, March 2, 2008

All you need is a reflection

Feel the breeze and the calmness....

It's been 10 days since I last blog and I feel like I haven't blogged for a long time. I regret not blogging as it has been a means for me to reflect on my life on a day-to-day basis and keeping me in tune with myself. Now I'm a little off and that means I am NOT IN TUNE WITH THE UNIVERSE!

Another week went by quickly and it has been a tremendously "interesting" week. With the lessons on differences, sensitivity, stress-control, and just hormones, I am just overwhelmed and tired and all drained.

Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to just briefly reflect on the positive aspects of what has happened the past week and today.

1. I learned that being open to differences really open the door to diversity among my friends. This scared me when I was just awestruck by this reality after an event but after that "phase", I feel blessed. It's okay to be different from your peers and it's ok to pursue what you like. There is no need to feel ostracized or weird for liking what you like. It is important for me to stay true and firm to myself. (Something we all have known since forever but it is important to always remember that)
2. I learned that I should be aware of how I could sometimes fall prey to judgments and criticisms of others on my carelessness and mistakes. Thankfully, I just waited and watched my pain, anger, regret, and frustration; before I knew it, they just dissolved away, and the world seemed fine again. It's important to stay focus and be strong. I should forgive, let go the past, release the future, and stay in the present. Breathe and sense the NOW. In the now, everything is still and problems do not exist.
3. I was inspired to play piano again and this time I must "unlearned the learned" (-Yoda, Star Wars-) in order to compose my own music. I should forget structure and follow my heart (Thanks Vinod!)
4. I learned about the privileges that comes to me with my race, gender, sexual orientation, and role as a leader in the Personal Privilege Leadership workshop that I have to attend for WWL program. My eyes were open to why racism, discrimination and prejudice are felt even though people do not deliberately discriminate against others.
5. I am quite prepared for exams this week. All I need to do is to revise my Econ again tomorrow morning and I'm good to go.

Wow, it is liberating to channel my feelings and thoughts and focus them in the positive direction through my writing. I started off feeling like I can barely hold my tears anymore; but now, I am ready to embark on a brand new day tomorrow. It's going to be a lovely day! Muacks everyone! I love you all! Have a pleasant day!

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