Thursday, January 15, 2009

Una Noche Loca (A crazy night)

Jan 12th - 13th, 2008
At 12am, it would be my roommate´s birthday. So, we went out to a bar near Plaça Universitat. The place was filled with 25 to 30 Americans and a few Spaniards.. It was as expected as it was a Monday night and Spanish students are having their finals this week. As Matt, a friend, came to that bar almost every night with his roommates, the bartender was nice and added extra licor in the Sangria (mixture of fruits, wine and juice) that he ordered for all of us. Boy, was the Sangria strong.. I took a sip once in Vic and it was quite mild with fruit juice and stuffs..but the one I took in that bar was strong. I don´t know if it´s psychology or whatever but I felt like I was slightly more confident after drinking than before. The alcohol must have distorted the function of my amygdala, the part of the brain that control emotions including fear. After two glasses, I felt whoozy so I stopped. My roommie and Matt continued drinking and they got a little drunk.

We went to another bar called the "Black Sheep" after that and we met some of my roommie´s friends. It was the bar Toni showed me the week before. The bar that he used to go as a teenager. Nothing very interesting happened other than my roomie got drunk and went to approach random Spaniards and get to know them. They then went along with us to a club called Jamboree. I didn´t like the club very much. Once again, the place was filled with Americans. The only people dancing and grinding on the dance floor are Americans. Europeans were standing around the dance floor just drinking and watching Americans dance. It was weird. As for me, I felt uncomfortable dancing by myself. I also didn´t want to be grinded. In addition, the loud music and excessive cigarrette smoke were getting on my nerves so I stepped out and sat in the plaza - Plaça Real. It was so peaceful. I took some pictures of the fountain and walked around by myself a bit. It was already 4.15am and the metro stopped running so I figured I might as well wait there for my roommie to be done so that we can catch the 5.00am metro.

Suddenly there was this drunken Irish who came out and asked me if the chairs were wet (The Municipal cleans the city at night by washing down the dirt on the streets every night). I told him there weren´t as the one I was sitting on was not wet. He touched the chair that he was going to sit and started cursing as it was wet. It was probably just that one chair. I offered him my seat but he refused. Soon, my roomie and Matt came out and we were going to leave. The Irish guy talked to us and starting joking around with us about Irish accent. Suddenly, a guy who just talked gibberish approach us and started asking for what seemed to be a cigarrette. He touched my shoulder and it gave me a scare. Two more Irishmen showed up and they brought us into their hostel which was next to the club to get rid of the guy. He managed to get in too. Jamie, the first drunken Irish tried to get him out and he succeded..It was weird. So, we hung out a bit at the bottom of the staircase as we weren´t allowed to go into their rooms. I pity the caretaker who had to deal with our noise and their annoyance. He kept reprimanding them not to bring guests in their rooms as they attempted to sneak us in a couple of times. So they talked rubbish while I witnessed the behaviors of drunken people. LOL. It was funny. Finally it was 5am and I finally managed to convince my semi-drunken roommate to go home after many attempts since 2am. My class was at 10 am the next day. We left the Irish guys and they asked us to meet with them again the next day but that never happened. LOL..

As we were walking back to the metro station along La Rambla (a popular market street), there were many men who tried to sell beers and food to us. Matt told us that these people also sell drugs. Some of them offered them to him on previous nights. What was more disgusting was there were so many prostitutes trying to persuade or more like force men to have sex with them. Luckily for Matt, he was with the two of us girls. He said two women grabbed onto him and walked with him for two blocks before they decided to release him a couple of nights ago.

There were two guys walking in front of us and unfortunately for them, they were accosted by two prostitutes. They tried saying no but they wouldn´t let go. After a while, the guys started holding their hands and hugging each other but the prostitutes would not give up still. Finally, they stopped walking and kissed each other. The prostitutes finally let them go. It was hillarious!!! They happened to be gays.

Oh my gosh..what a night!

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