Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Return of Sylvia Sng...LOL

Tell me, why does it feel like it's almost impossible to start writing a blog post again after a long break. It has been two months since my last post. I had to stop posting as I got too busy with my research work. Although I had some free time back then, I never took the initiative to just write something down here so that I don't lose my touch in writing.

Finally, I have made it a point to blog every night this summer. When the fall semester starts, I'll blog at least once a week.

Two academic semesters have gone by but lifelong memories and lessons have been molded and coated with a layer of steel so that they will last for the entire span of my consciousness. Right now, as I am looking at the world map on the wall in front of me and typing at the same time, Africa pops up to me as the continent is nearest to my sight. My eyes are now travelling to Europe and searching for Spain and I am looking at Barcelona, a point at the edge of the yellow blob in which if you scale it by 1.5 cm to 500 km, it becomes a piece of land , south of France. Being showered with worries, uncertainties and doubt, I can sense the fear of not having my plans come to life crawling all over my skin.

Thankfully, with all the wisdom that I picked up from my friends, family, and even strangers on books and television, I can hear that soft but firm voice in my head reminding me of the fact that we can never know for sure things are going to be the way we wish them to be. We will never know, we just have to enjoy the moment and do the best we can do now, and to just watch how life unfolds itself.

Since the midwest games (check facebook for pics my friends), I have been quite "free" and I had the chance to hunt for jobs, apply for scholarships, reorganize my things, set up a to-do list, and to just enjoy being with myself. I managed to submit applications for 5 different jobs. I got one of them and I'm looking forward to hear about the others. I submitted a scholarship application and I'm currently working on another one that is going to be due in a week's time. Sure, there is a list of not-too-interesting chores that I have to do before school starts, but I'm looking forward to finishing them.

Before I pen-off (or type-off) to go to bed early tonight, I would like to end my first blog in a long time with an expression of gratitude to the very being or life itself that bring me to existence, however we want to label it, him or her - God, consciousness, universe, nature etc.

Thank you.


~$ieW m3i~ said...

haha! finally an update from u! u know how long i've waited for a post from u? haha! anyways since u're holday-ing, update more often okays? miss ya! :)

Sylvia said...

Yes, missy. Sylvia's back to business.

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