Thursday, June 12, 2008

Finding peace

anger arises shadowing the love,
pain pierces raising the questions and the doubts,
counts of one to ten then ease them all out,
and bring one back to where one IS.
~yours truly~

Another fine day went by. The rainy weather was nice and cooling although Minnesotans might have hated it.

I got my scholarship essays all checked by the student writing consultant and I know what aspects I should improve on. Thank you Sim and Christina for reading my essay and thanks Sim for the awesome recommendation letter. I can't stop using the word awesome. I can imagine ppl giving me those questioning looks if I keep using them when I go back to M'sia.

I got to apply for more jobs and I finally received replies from some departments irrespective of the outcome. =)

I found a good program to learn Espanyol online on They have pretty good language programs. I am happy that I finally got to start my spanish learning journey. Christina, who went back to Austria after doing a year of exchange here, left me a notepad that she didn't get to use. With her "language luck" in that notepad, I hope to master the language in no time. =D

I was so happy that I got an email from Jean Strommer, the Dean's list students coordinator stating that the Guthrie (a famous theater in Minneapolis) is offering tickets to Dean's list students to watch Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream for two bucks (the normal price is like 46 bucks). But, she then emailed again saying that they were only 17 spots and I requested for it a bit later than the early birds. Hopefully more tickets are offered or sb decided to cancel and give it to me. Hehe..

As I write my blog posts after a long break, it just feels different. I noticed that I do not get as many epiphanies as I used to. I also feel less at peace with myself and I feel that it is reflected in my writings. I don't see any point to keep trying to want to be like how I was. I think all I can do is just relax and stay focus during the day and keep being a learner as well as to be still in moments of uncertainty and ambiguity (as learned in my cross-cultural leadership retreat).

When the water is agitated, we can't see clearly. Look at what we can see when the water is still.

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