Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"The Experiment" and Another Thought on Clinical Psychology

Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment did not end in 1971. The experiment is so real that it happened again in "The Experiment", a German thriller depicting what would happen if the researchers had not called off the psychology of imprisonment experiment in Stanford. It was just unbelievable how good people turn evil when they are put in an evil role and place. Other than being very very stressed out and shocked by the film, so many thoughts passed through my head while I was watching it i.e.
-how do the psychologists deal with that sort of things?
-clinical psychology is very interesting but am I going to trade fun for interest?
-if I were in the prisoners position, will I be able to meditate and keep my sanity or just break down?

-roles are not who you are, your roles change all the time and if we try to identify with our roles, we'll be lost in our identity; the only thing that is real is your being or existence


Questions about ethics in psychology, social commentary on the dehumanization of Abu Gharib prisoners by the American guards, and other possibly ongoing tests on psychological pressures were brought up in the PSI CHI discussion too.

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