Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh Lunar!

Lunar Eclipse
February 20th,2008 (9.15 pm central time)
Photograph by yours truly

Oh lunar, in the umbra, you kept me up from my sleep, just to look at you.
What do you offer, as a satellite, other than your brownness tonight?
Thou know, thou know! Thy gather people together and get them out of their study!
Thanks a lot moon, thanks a lot!
But, thy got people to just take time off and appreciate the wonders of the universe for a while.
And just for that, Good job Lunar!

"The Experiment" and Another Thought on Clinical Psychology

Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment did not end in 1971. The experiment is so real that it happened again in "The Experiment", a German thriller depicting what would happen if the researchers had not called off the psychology of imprisonment experiment in Stanford. It was just unbelievable how good people turn evil when they are put in an evil role and place. Other than being very very stressed out and shocked by the film, so many thoughts passed through my head while I was watching it i.e.
-how do the psychologists deal with that sort of things?
-clinical psychology is very interesting but am I going to trade fun for interest?
-if I were in the prisoners position, will I be able to meditate and keep my sanity or just break down?

-roles are not who you are, your roles change all the time and if we try to identify with our roles, we'll be lost in our identity; the only thing that is real is your being or existence


Questions about ethics in psychology, social commentary on the dehumanization of Abu Gharib prisoners by the American guards, and other possibly ongoing tests on psychological pressures were brought up in the PSI CHI discussion too.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy/Sad Cycle =) to =( to =0 ....

From being grouchy to being upset to being depressed to feeling slightly better to feeling good to feeling happy to being grouchy again. The cycle goes on and on every time. Obviously there is a pattern to it and most of the time, it is quite inevitable (although I do not really like admitting that). If there is a pattern to it, how do we detect it and stay on top of your feet all the time?

It's easy! Just go to see a counselor! Lol..I'm just kidding.

As for me, my temporary relief method is to cry. That will then followed by some rationalizing process. But of course, a proper procedure should be taken, and I too would like to remember this method so that I will remain conscious every time, not just some times.

First, detect that you are upset. Know that you are upset. Let the anger arises while you watch it.
Second, note the reason behind your anger. Acknowledge the anger and let yourself know it is ok to be angry, but still ask yourself if there is any point to be upset with the things. That will cool yourself a bit.
Third, close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath. Be in the now. Be present by being aware of your breathing and bodily sensations before going to your feelings.
Fourth, take appropriate actions following the state of calmness. If it is loneliness that bothers you, make an effort to socialize that time. If it is someone who upsets you, confront the person etc.
Fifth, smile big and be grateful to be alive! Life's too short to be sad. Smile and be patient. Before you realize it, your pain has waned away. =D

If they don't work, cry to your friends and/or family. It's better to let it out and get some help from others then mishandling it yourself.


Picasso sculpture in Daley Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

"Modern art, a creative outlet of one's psychological distress"?? I've always known modern art and theater are depressing if we understand the reason behind the masterpieces but I never thought of them as "sublimation", one of Freudian's defense mechanisms in which one channel their anger and aggression in a creative way namely sports, video games etc., until my Counseling Psychology lecturer mentioned it in class.

It makes sense now that many of the artists have some problems. Lol. Now I'm not sure whether art is such a good thing anymore. That question stuck with me for the past two days. It's kind of depressing. From theater class last semester, I learned how much social criticism exist in theatrical works. It was interesting but gloomy to find out. Is music, art, and theater still worth being appreciated? Should we keep exposing ourselves to these depressing materials?

After thinking a bit, I think the best thing to do is just acknowledge and understand art and perhaps appreciate the madness behind them, and not to take them personally. Hehe.... I'm trying to think of theater and art with not so much pain in them. Any suggestions anyone?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hola Amigos!

Last Saturday was my first indulgence in a Spanish film called Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All about my mother). It was an Oscar winning film for The Best Foreign Language Film in 1999. It sets in both Madrid and Barcelona but Barcelona takes precedence over Madrid. Controversial by nature, this film directed by Pedro Almodóvar Caballero portrayed the issues of transvestism, homosexuality, AIDS, drugs, prostitution, and those kinds of societally stigmatized things.

Although I don't think that this film is the best film to give a person who is going to study abroad in Barcelona the impression of how Barcelona is, I feel the director did a good job showing the struggles that Manuela, the main actress, had to go through after his son's death and the strengths that she garnered to move on with life.

On a closely related note, while watching the movie, I wondered what I would do if I were put in the situation of Rosa, the HIV positive nun/social worker who bore the baby of Lola, the transvestite who also impregnated Manuela 18 years ago. Lola ran off not long ago, and Rosa was not in good terms with her parents. In these circumstances, how do we remain positive? Hmmm.... Anyway, all's well that ends well. Although Rosa died of childbirth and Lola died of AIDS, their baby whom Manuela adopted as her own, neutralized the virus that grew in him. She returned to Barcelona from Madrid to attend a convention as the medical world was intrigued by the "miracle". The dark tragicomedy flowed and ended so well that I actually didn't feel appalled by its extreme focus on the grim side of the world.

A little debriefing here; I watched the movie in the theater in Christina's friend apartment with a bunch of Barcelonans and a few other Americans and other internationals. It was awesome being around Spaniards and being able to watch their explicit Spanish gestures and listen to them speak in Spanish and Catalan, not that I can tell the difference. But, it was still cool to be able to get to know some Barcelonans before even going to Barcelona. The nice thing is that Toni, the party host whom Christina introduced me to was going back to Barcelona in Spring '09 and he would take me around Barcelona! Awesome!

Hola Catalonians!

After the movie, we went to Toni's place and just hung out with the others. I really enjoyed the conversations I had in the party. It was so fun! Gracias Christina! Hostia!!!!! Wahaha....

I have no idea how these things seem to happen at the perfect time. It is just amazing. Maybe it is true that one is only 6 persons away from the person you would like to meet (from some book - I have no idea which; if u do, let me know). Don't ask me how he get the number 6 and why. I have no idea. I would also like to know whether the Law of Attraction is really taking place.
Ah, I just felt so great about it. I am more than grateful about the experiences that I have had here in the states. =D

Friday, February 15, 2008

US$ 1,000,000 =D

Full Scholarship! Full Scholarship! Full Scholarship! Please give me full scholarship!

$4000 + $5000 + $3000 + $1000 + $1000 = $15, 000 is the maximum amount of scholarship that I have the chance to get from CLA.

I nearly panicked this afternoon when there was an error with the scholarship application and my essay was screwed up. The website accepted my previously saved essay instead of the new one I had just submitted. I rushed to the CLA Undergraduate Programs Office to settle the problem and I found out from the guy in charge of this that a lot of people had been coming to his office to ask about similar kinds of problems they faced from the website. I looked at his computer and I saw a long list of scholarship applicants. Whoa! Creepy... So, hopefully, my essays and other credentials are good enough for me to win the scholarships.

In addition to that, there is the option of applying for financial aid through ISSS. However, there weren't much information given about it and the information regarding the application for Fall 2008 hasn't come out yet. I tried emailing them but to no avail. They never replied. This calls for a more proactive approach. "Bising till they bagi!" Hahaha....jk jk. Till then, I can only hope or to be more precise, attract!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Attraction Maybe?

My head ached for two whole hours after my lab meeting at 5 pm with the other TRiCAMers and I felt sick after eating too much junk food - potato chips after lunch and Valentine's brownies and cookies from two of the RAs. While in pain on the bed, I twisted and turned around for many times as I wasn't able to sleep or rest. I wasn't thinking much except of how much I missed Malaysia and the food there. I felt nauseous the whole time on the bed and wondered how much longer I could stand eating yucky American food? Then I pictured porridge and clear soup in my head. Soon, I was thinking about "U Char Kueh". Oh, boy! How much I miss those simple light meals.

After struggling to sleep for more than an hour, I decided to get up and take a moderately cold shower. I felt much better after that. So I went online and chat with Keith and he suggested I should eat Chinese food to rid off my sickness. Lol. So we went to Pagoda, a Chinese restaurant owned by M'sians, thinking I was going to order some rice or noodles and dishes, but they had porridge in their menu so I happily ordered it instead although it cost US$6 and I just randomly ordered a plate of fried Chinese bread sticks without knowing what they were. Well, as you can easily guess, those were none other than "U Char Kueh". LOL. Hmm....could it be attraction? I was happy I was eating those but guess how much the "U Char Kueh" cost? It was 2 bucks! In M'sia, those barely cost more than 60 M'sian sen (18 US cents). I just paid more than 6 RINGGIT for 2 sets of "U CHAR KUEH". Unbelievable! The people should be sued for daylight robbery. It's just flour and oil!!!!!! Walaowei!

I paid RM6 for this!!! =(

Anyway, heard of the Law of Attraction? It is probably the hottest topic circulating in the world today since the DVD, The Secret was released. According to the teachers of the Secret as well as many other successful people in the world, the world functions on this law in which you focus your thoughts and emotions on what you want; and when you send this thought frequency, vibration or something of this sort out to the universe, the universe will correspond to your Attraction. Sounds crazy? Well, a lot of things sound crazy but they aren't necessarily crazy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sweet Happiness =D

How sweet can my life get? This morning I went to see my Psych Adviser to discuss about my study abroad program, Honors program, and my graduation plan. Everything turned out well and according to the plan that I came up with, I'll be flying to Barcelona in Spring '09 and graduate in Fall '09. Although I might not be able to take the class that I want to in Fall after my study abroad program, it's ok as that's not a big deal. I can ask the professor whether he will be offering it in fall. We'll see...

Second big to-do for the day: I went to see the professor I emailed regarding UROP and it went well. I felt confident when I talked to him. He explained to me what they do for research - direct observation on children with behavioral problems, learning disabilities, etc., data encoding, and direct application of intervention. No lab stuffs! Woohoo.... Something new to learn as of Fall 2008. It's a different aspect of Psychology I'll be looking at and better still, I'll be working directly with children. Moreover, he said he'll be glad to take me in and help me with whatever I need. Ah.....nice.

The sweetness continued when I saw smiles around me throughout the day and heard sweet news from practically everyone I know. Ahh.....SWEET. Sweet dreams to me now. ZZZZZzzzzzzz.........

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Patience and Stillness

I just couldn't remember where this saying came from, "God gives us problem not to trouble us, but to allow us the opportunity to shine" or something like that. Maybe from a movie or something. Today, I think I was offered that opportunity.

Patience and stillness was the test. Earlier today, I listened to someone close complaining, expressing distress, and aching in pain but I remained still and gave the most appropriate advice without scrunching up my face, furrowing my brows or being pushy about how the person should behave.

In that moment, it just felt like things suddenly moved slowly and clearly and it was almost as if I was watching myself talk from a third person's vantage point.

After the conversation, it just hit me that I wasn't attached in the sense that I didn't want the person to not suffer because it pains me if he suffers (all about "ME"), but I just sincerely and just naturally help him. I think I finally understand what Dr John F. Demartini from "The Secret" said about being still to our surroundings and consciously choose what you want it your life. Whatever you hear or see, be still and mindful, and only focus and think about the positive things. =)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Lucky REPpy, Baffling EUROPEeeee....

Woohoo! Free rep points without doing anything! I went to the testing lab for the Academic Aptitude testing but the research assistant never showed up. As it was her mistake, I was dismissed by the lab coordinator after waiting for the R. A. for 10 minutes or more. But, I had to go for a different testing at 5.45pm though. I would like to talk about it but I am asked not to disclose information about the study.

I also went to the Study Abroad center for advising. Finally, I can sit down and talk to an adviser. They have this rule that you must attend the first step meeting before you can meet the adviser. After looking through the International Education of Students (IES) brochure, I found out that I can also study abroad in Barcelona without having to know Spanish. How now? Austria or Spain? *Sigh*

Other than the rep studies and Study Abroad advising, there wasn't anything interesting or insightful that I encountered today.

I just want to finish reading the Psychology journals. Their reader-unfriendly format just drives me to sleep after every paragraph read. After that, I won't remember what I have read and have to restart over and over again. It's the same thing over and over again. Perhaps changing strategy of just reading the abstract and discussion/conclusion might be a good idea after all. Hmmm....let's see.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Minnesotan Snow and Malaysian Rain

This is the first time I blog in the morning after my sleep. I usually make it a point to blog before sleep. Ah, oh well, at least I still make it a point to blog. Yesterday, as I was reading the book for Freshmen Writing Class on my bed, I couldn't help but allow myself to be distracted by the whooshing sounds of cold wind. I looked out and up at the sky watching the clouds moving fast to one direction, and I just allowed my body to sink down on the bed.

I just stared and listened to the wind. It was a calming sensation. Just right after that, I thought of the rain in M'sia and how much I miss it. That thought was probably influenced by Keith's post in his blog about rain.

For the past two days I have been noticing a subtle but awkward feeling in me when I hung out with my M'sian friends here. Suddenly, I began questioning myself, "where do I wanna stay after school, to go back to M'sia or to work in the states or elsewhere? " I felt that I grew a lot here and being here have really pushed me to my greatest potential due to the opportunities that are available. At the same time, when I saw the gang of M'sians who stay in University Village hung out together all the time, I felt that I sort of miss that collectivism with close friends. To be honest, I did not miss M'sia a bit until Chinese New Year. Lol. I guess it is this kind of times when family and friends are gathering together for celebrations and you're missing out the bonding and fun that you'll feel homesick.

I just felt that it was nice to always have such close company. Whenever you need someone, they'll be there for you. You will always have people to hang out with. It made me think whether living far from family and friends in the land of opportunities for both goal and growth is a good idea or not?

But then when I thought about it deeply, I remembered that when I was in M'sia, I always admired those who did not have any attachments to a particular group and just go all out mixing with different people all the time. I always wanted to experience that. Since I came to the states, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and mixed with different groups of people without being attached to any particular group. I felt great as I get to learn new things, meet new people, and most importantly, respect differences and not to be judgmental of friends and of others.

This made me realize how important it is to have balance and to be conscious of the feelings experienced at all time. Being unattached to a group is good but at the same time, it's good to have close friends. It all comes down to having a balance. While staring at the sky, tears just streamed down my cheeks although I did not feel any sadness or pain. I just felt grateful to my parents for providing me with the opportunity to come here, God, the universe, Law of Attraction, and just everyone who has directly and indirectly motivated and inspired me to choose to come here and be who I am today.

How does this all tie together - the question of whether I should work here or go back, the feeling of estrangement, missing collectivism, group attachment, thought about balance, and gratitude? Well, they were fragments of thoughts that I was conscious of. As for the question, I would just let it be and see how it goes. Only time will tell.

My 2nd Journal Club Meeting

After three blogness nights, I feel that it is so hard to get myself to write something. As for Wednesday and Thursday, I was pretty much busy with homework and study for the intermediate microecon quiz on Friday. Nothing significant to talk about but i wouldn't wanna miss blogging about the 2nd journal club meeting held in the lab on Thursday. Before that, I'll just jot down the things the professor wants me to do in the course of this semester - present UROP research in undergraduate conferences, Mednick on Schizophrenia in one of April journal meetings, and reversal learning in a couple of weeks time. To meet that demand, I would have to read tons of journals and books. Sounds I up to the challenge? Well, I don't think I have a choice but to make it happen.

So this week we have Bleuler as our man. Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939), a Swiss psychiatrist was credited for the introduction of the term "schizophrenia" in 1908 which was known as dementia praecox before that. He was the one who came up with the 4As for schizophrenia symptoms - loose association, inappropriate affect, and autism.

This time we were required to only read 26 pages of the book about him called "The Theory". In that chapter that we were supposed to read, Bleuler talks about the symptoms (sx) of schizophrenia (sz) as consisting of both primary and secondary. Primary sx are the ones that arise directly from the disease itself whereas secondary sx arise only when the patient's already sick condition reacts to the internal and external processes (in other words, indirectly from the primary sx). Apparently, the primary sx are loose associations in which they have lost their meanings and significance, clouded states which revers to catatonia, manic and melancholic episodes, dispositions to hallucinations, some physical sx and tremors. The secondary sx on the other hand are a direct consequence of loosening of the associations.

The descriptions went on and on. Bleuler presented a rather difficult book to analyze and understand. It is pretty vagued and he cited a lot of Freud's and Jung's ideas in his explanations. Poor Andria had a hard time presenting this as there are a lot of things that she as well as most of us do not understand. We struggled with what Bleuler was trying to say with the complexes and there was only so much we could do in such limited time. So, we had to leave it as it is. Next fortnight, we'll have Rodnick and Shakow, whoever they are.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

To Jump or to Fly?

Ever had the feeling of being lifted up high and then kicked off from the top of a 10-story building but still alive to feel the pain...That's what I am feeling right now. I feel so frustrated and upset as I am typing this blog. Regretful of the time wasted, regretful of the over ambition and just ARGH.....

It all started yesterday when I was doing my daily routine making some cash on the computer through you know what. Then I stumbled upon this website "". By leaving your email and number, I will get some e-course program to learn the steps of bla bla bla..(I'm sorry but I don't have the heart to write that out) for free. I couldn't care less, I thought since it's free so I would just sign up for it.

So this lady who hosted the web called me and asked me whether I was serious about her prog. I was just bemused that she even called me. Of course not. I didn't know much about the website so I explained to her how I stumbled upon it. She asked me whether I was really interested in making more than what I am making so I said yes with skepticism in what she was doing. And so she went on telling me a little bit about the program and asked me to listen to a teleseminar that would be held at 8pm and let her know if I was interested or to just leave a message telling her I wasn't. It was nice talking to her. She seemed very genuine in helping people. It's either that or she is just good at conning people. Nevertheless, I was pretty uplifted just imagining that I could possibly end my parents burden of having to pay my tuition fee and to maybe make lots of money at such young age, achieving all my dreams and just feel great about the whole thing.

And so, staying cool, I listened to the teleseminar about the direct sales and it seemed pretty interesting and perhaps that was my attraction and higher calling to be financially free. So, I went and look through the website and I was quite interested in the business. I was completely aware of it being a business and that effort and some monetary investment is needed to sustain the business. I was pretty serious about it but since I am pretty inexperienced in it, I contacted my dad to seek for opinion and advice.

Apparently, he had seen this website before and he said it is just another direct sales thing which would require me to invest $200 a month for ads and calls but surely with lots of effort, I would make lots more to cover that. So, as I have sort of expected but yet got disappointed, he totally advised me against it. Well, I argued that all businesses need a bit of investment and that we should be more positive about the outcomes. How about short term hard work for long term gratification? It went on and on...yatayatayata....and I lost!

He advised me to focus on my studies, and if I want to earn money, do it while I'm gaining good experience that can contribute to my grad applications and job requirements or just work hard in UDS or sth, or something that does not require me to invest money. Although he is right, my flared ego and pride as well as high hopes were tossed and burned. Thus, I was angry. I felt frustrated over the fact that I haven't found any internship and the professor is taking too long to reply me. I am stressed out that I have so many essays to write for my scholarship application. I regret that I have wasted my time on Liberty League thingy instead of using it for all the other stuffs. My ambition of getting financial abundance in a young age was crushed, hopefully for today only. I felt horrible!!!!

But somehow at this point of writing, I feel better now that I have ranted the frustrations out here. Of course, for every cloud there's a silver lining, and there are two sides on a coin. Now that my head is less cloudy, I can say that I have certainly learned that I must prioritize well and don't get over ambitious about money. I don't have $200 to invest a month. So, perhaps when I get tired of working then I go for some stuffs like that. I am better off focusing on something that will hone my academic skills while generating me money like write essays for scholarships. I also learned not to fall for internet ads so easily although I still believe that the company has a good plan; it is just that they make it sound so simple. Maybe it is, maybe it is not. For now, I shall let it go and be free to focus on my psychology goals.

Monday, February 4, 2008

"Publish or Perish"

"Publish or perish" is the phrase that has stuck in my head since this afternoon when my lab coordinator shared her experiences working as a research assistant and lab coordinator for TRiCAM lab with Andrea and me. After she ran us through the CSIA (Center for Study of Impulsivity in Addiction) battery so that we are familiar with the tasks that we will run the students through, we chatted a bit and from our conversation, I gathered a bit about working in the research world as well as making university choices that cater to what you want to do in life. Apparently, life in a research based university isn't that simple and easy for a professor, at the very least if it is clinical/cognitive psychology. It's all about doing research continuously, non-stop - "publish or perish". I think that phrase is pretty self-explanatory. If we want to have a more direct application of psychology with people, we might have to choose to study or work elsewhere, such as in a university which is more practical based, not just by the name and ranking of the university.

I just felt that this insight about the work life of a researcher was pretty handy to me now that I am quite undecided about what I want to do. I am hopeful that by the end of the semester, I would be clear with my goals as to what I would like to do with my life or at least with the part regarding which field of psychology to go for and what I would like to do with that specialization later. That's about psychology.

On a completely different note:
Snow, snow, let it snow! Warmth warmth, yay warmth! Yay -1 degrees celcius. WAHAHAHAHA....To you Malaysians in Malaysia, -1 degrees is very warm here =D. Gosh, when will I get to feel that simmering heat of my country again? Speaking of that, I wish I could be back home this Chinese New Year. All my cousins from overseas are back in Kuching and I am here, and I'll probably be studying for my test on Friday on Chinese New Year. I haven't missed M'sia much till later last week. Ahhh......anyways, GONG XI FA CAI everyone! Take pictures and send them to me so that I can use them for my Malaysian presentation for my house.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

From Isha Yoga to Kaiserschmarrn to Welcome Week Leader Training

Tonight I will be writing a longer blog in order to make up for my idleness last night. Yesterday afternoon I followed two of my friends, Vinod and Praveen to a house in uptown Minneapolis to watch an introductory talk about "Inner Engineering", a vital program that aids one's inner transformation of well being, brought by Isha Foundation. I thought it was a little time-inefficient for us to travel one hour to the house just to watch a one-hour video on the lap top. I really found the talk interesting but it would have been better if the video could just be viewed online.

Isha foundation founded by an Indian spiritual, yoga, and meditation master known as Sadhguru, believes in teaching it's member the art of living through yoga and meditation. But before we all can get to that, it is important that we understand how we function "chemically" in a way that causes us to be, feel and think the way we do. I thought this phrase "Our body is a heap of food and our mind is a heap of impressions" very funny yet profound. When our body and mind is external, the only thing that is internal should be nonetheless our being a.k.a. consciousness.

He went on to talk about how we are living in an era of comfort and we aim to engineer anything that we want or desire. He brought forth the question of why we engineer stuffs. The reason is simple. It is because we want things to be the way we want it to be. If we use this analogy and apply it to our feelings and well-being, we can gather that we are not happy because things aren't the way we want it to be. Even if things are in the way we want them to be, we will always want more too. The desire here seems to cause the unhappiness. Thus, we keep searching for the happiness on the outside on and on but we never realize that the happiest moments occur at times when we aren't searching it on the outside. Think of the last time you were very happy. Did you have to have all the external stimulus to make u happy? Hence, the concept of inner engineering. Engineer your inside to transform your inner well-being.

I really enjoyed the talk. It just confirmed that consciousness is the key to eternal well-being and happiness. I felt like if you just filter all major or minor religions and really observe the teachings, you will find that they are teaching us to live conscious of our physical and mental phenomenons and if you could be still and watch and understand how they can affect you, there is no way you can suffer. All this while I've been questioning about religions and God, and I have been attending different religious meetings and learn different approaches to spiritual development to find out what works best for me and it just dawned on me yesterday that living life consciously is the key to spiritual development. Once you are conscious of what you are doing, you will be in full control of your self and surroundings. I guess Confucius was right when he said that we should not swell into death and the unknown when we don't even know much about life. I'll never know about the God, the after life and the mystics and all those stuffs. So, I'll just live life as it is but consciously. And hopefully, the unanswerable answers might just come to me. (P.S. Thanks Vinod for taking me to the talk).

After the talk, I went to Sunny's place for dinner party and Chrisi and the other Austrian girls, Bernie, Lizzie, and Babsi made Kaiserschmarrn, an Austrian version of pancake with raisins. A note to Christina: Hey, if you're reading this, note "the word". Cool isn't it. I can spell it. Wahahaha.... That's all about Sunny's party. I just want to mention the word. =D

As for today, I went to the Welcome Week Leader Training. It was kind of exhausting when we have to queue for half an hour to register this morning. Oh my gosh, it seems that more than 600 people signed up for the program. I am so excited about it. We are going to facilitate 5500 new students in their transition to the university. I was more pumped up when the coordinators told us that we were going to have lots of activities around twin cities e.g. go for free football game, have fun in Mall of America's theme park (they are working on renting the whole park just for U of M's students for a day), and etc. I was impressed with the committee who have been working on this for many years. So many people are working together to design this new and soon to come program. Wow. They are really so passionate about this. I'm so excited! We'll see how successful this program will get.

Ah, done. Good night people.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Beware! The Secret of Women's Beauty....

Welcome to House 5's bathroom. This is Girls' Night featuring Jashay, Kathryn, Brittany Riley, Andria, Yours truly, Brittany Stahlman, Laura A. (not in pic) and Jessica (not in pic). Tonight we had accomplished a few things essential in preserving the physical youth and beauty of women at the cost of US$2. Magnifique!Freakkkkyyyyyy..........................

Recipe for success:

1. For the face -some clay mask Laura bought at Target. Wahahaha....

2. For the hair - heated sesame oil.....never try stinked my hair and the entire bathroom and hallway. YUCK!!!! I couldn't even get the smell out of my hair even after shampooing it twice! ARGH!!!!!! Thanks a lot Martha Stewart!

Note how shiny my face was compared to the rest...hehe.

It was so much fun with the girls. While waiting for the sesame oil to take effect on our hair, we watched a chick flick called "Only You". The movie was sweet and it lasted about two hours or so. I guess because of that, we wrapped our hair up for far too long before washing them. Hence, the unremovable stench on our hair. =(

Before the whole self-pampering and fun stuffs, I was attending events and meetings all day right after class at 11am. First, I went for yoga in which the instructor was not as pleasant as the one on Tuesday but the moves she taught were more challenging. After that, I went to meet up with my advisor regarding the opportunities of undergraduate research presentation available in the twin cities followed by the attempt to meet my Psych Stats T.A. who asked me to go and see him at that time but he wasn't in the room (how frustrating); so I head straight to meet with Stephen, a TRiCAM lab coordinator regarding the reversal learning task for the CSIA (Center for Studies of Impulsivity in Addiction). After that, I went to Tea Garden at 4pm to hang out with my last sem's Cross-Cultural Discussion (CCD) group.

I feel the meeting with Stephen and the CCD group was quite rewarding and enlightening. Stephen went throught the problems of data analysis with me and explained clearly about the data and I noticed that I was sharper at noticing the questionable imperfection of the data and increase in my courage to just ask whatever I am not sure of. IT WAS SO SIMPLE TO JUST ASK!!!! I got the chance to talk more to Stephen and he taught me his strategy of tackling Psychology journals. Trust me, Psych journals aren't reader-friendly. It was nice of him. I feel good about this project and I'm all excited to start on it.

It felt good to be able to meet my CCD friends once again. We caught up with what each other is doing and had a good time sharing our experiences. Not long before we were going to leave, we talked about music and that I have completed my piano Grade 8 so Vinod was interested in hearing me play. I, of course, immediately refused due to my seriously lack of practice and confidence in playing. But, he insisted and convinced me to play for them a month later. So now, I have to start practicing. Oh no! But on the bright side, I suppose that is good for me. This is a chance for my redemption from previous founder in the 2004 performance back in IMH (International Music House) in Kuching. It's about time I face my fear.

After the gathering, I went back and rested for a while before going down to the TV lounge with the other House 5 occupants to watch Alicia's presentation on Mauritania, the country she worked in as a Peace Corp's member. The poverty-stricken country is located in Africa in the Sahara Desert. It was quite depressing to see how bad their living condition was. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the horrible condition. I was amazed by how the Americans were able to survive there. Unfortunately for Alicia, she was infected with malaria and Hep A there. It was creepy. One interesting part of the story was the part which the trainer taught the workers how to "use the toilet". They would carry a kettle pot of water on the right hand, and with their left hand, wash their "affected" parts with that. For serious hygiene reason, they should avoid eating with their left hand. Now I understand why Muslims aren't allowed to eat with their left hands. But, the rule doesn't seem pretty applicable in today's context.

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